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Technology of washingis sell an advanced innovation designed to produce pure seed cells free from contaminants such as bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms (Axenic Culture Condition). This technology has proven effective in enhancing the density and quality of Spirulina platensis. At the initial inoculation, the cell density of Spirulina platensis was 3.6 x 10^5 cells/mL for all treatments. In washed cultures, cell density significantly increased from day 2 to day 6, entered a stationary phase until day 8, and then continued to rise until day 12. Conversely, unwashed cultures showed an increase in cell density until day 6, followed by a decline in the subsequent days. These results demonstrate that washed cells exhibit better growth and longer survival compared to unwashed cells. Additionally, this cell washing process contributes to a twofold increase in production (100% increase), from 200-250 grams/m³ to 500 grams/m³ of culture medium water per month. The protein content in the cells averages 66-68%, while the active compound Beta Carotene increases by 14.5 times (1,450% increase) compared to the untreated seed cells. This innovation, a collaboration with PT. Alga Bioteknologi Indonesia under the 2023 of Program Matching Fund Kedaireka , highlights the significant potential for improving the efficiency and quality of Spirulina production in the future.


1. Pure seed cells free from contaminants such as bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms (Axenic Culture Condition). 2. This method doubles production (increases by 100%), from 200-250 grams/m³ to 500 grams/m³ of culture medium water per month. 3. Protein content is 74%. 4. Beta-carotene content is 798 mg/kg.

Potensi Produk

PKS Hilirisasi dan Rencana Kerja Sama

Product Information

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  • Kategori: Ekonomi Biru
  • Judul: Application of Spirulina platensis Cell Washing Technology
  • Mitra: PT. Alga Bioteknologi Indonesia
  • Status HKI: Paten Terdaftar
  • Video URL:
  1. Dr.Diana ChilmawatiS.Pi., M.Si.
  2. Eko SusantoS.Pi.,M.Sc., Ph.D.
  3. Tristiana YuniartiS.Pi., M.Si.
  4. Dewi NurhayatiS.Pi., M.Si.
  5. Dr. Ir.SubandiyonoM.App.Sc.

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